The Reebok Collaborative is a private online forum. We have invited a select group of people to become our trusted advisors! Your feedback will have a direct impact inspiring product creation, marketing, and other important initiatives. This is about getting to know you - your ideas and your opinions. Our ultimate goal is to better serve people like you – our consumers.

You’ll be interacting with key members of the Reebok insights team, product managers, designers, and other people throughout Reebok. Our friends at Fuel Cycle will help us along the way by keeping in close contact with you. We hope that you find the community experience engaging, participate regularly in activities, and hopefully have some fun. Oh, and you will receive exciting rewards along the way!

For more information on the rules of the community, please view our Rules of Participation. Thank you for being part of the Reebok Collaborative.

If you have a question or concern about an experience or service, please visit the FAQ page or contact the moderator via the link at the footer of the site.